Hello there! My name is Jacob, I'm an American student from New York City.

After finishing my B.A. in Philosophy at McGill University, I started my M.A. at KU Leuven here in beautiful Flanders at the Hoger Instituut voor Wijsbegeerte (Institute of Philosophy). I am getting my M. Phil. at the same institution this fall.

Right now I am researching the metaphysics, and more specifically ontology, of scientific objects. I am writing a thesis on Ian Hacking's Human Kinds and the role that moral judgements, norms, and processes of social construction play in social-scientific systems of knowledge. I also am interested in the role of such systems in politics and popular discourse, and have been heavily influenced by Habermas as of late. Much of what I am doing is attempting to integrate contemporary philosophy of science with social epistemology, broadly construed. You can download my master's thesis this from the sidebar if you're interested in reading more.

If you come across this page and want to chat, feel free to send me an email (meme en francais oder auf deutsch)! I am always open to new ideas or critiques. I don't have much to promote, but watch this space!

Jacob A. Berk


Master's Student

Institue of Philosophy
KU Leuven
Leuven, Belgium

Plain Academic